Thank you for helping Jamie rebuild his life

Jamie’s story is one of resilience and courage.

Jamie's journey took a difficult turn when he relocated for work and found himself struggling with alcohol use, costing him his job. The challenges he faced began to strain his relationships, ultimately leading to experiences of homelessness in both Tasmania and Adelaide.

“It’s terrible sleeping rough. I’ve slept under stairs, in truck loading bays, on the beach, under boat ramps, and in my car. You just want to find somewhere where no one can see you sleeping.”

Enduring months of sleeping rough in Adelaide, Jamie discovered hope and support through Hutt St Centre and the generosity of our community. With unwavering determination and access to vital resources, Jamie regained control of his life. 

“I’m so proud of how far I’ve come, but I couldn’t have done it without the help of Hutt St Centre and people like you.”

Join Walk a Mile in My Boots and stand with people like Jamie on their journey out of homelessness.

Meet Jamie

Jamie's experience with homelessness was unexpected, as it is for many people.

Born and raised in a small town in Tasmania, Jamie moved to Queensland at 17 for a job in horticulture and landscaping.  Things were going well, but Jamie’s heavy drinking started getting in the way of his work. It was all too much when a family member became severely sick.

“I was meant to be in Queensland for a full year. But because I was drinking heavily at the time and knowing that my family was really sick, the job just wasn’t working out. I decided I needed to call it quits and move back home.”.

A difficult pattern of moving for work, struggling with alcohol use, and moving back with family in Tasmania continued for Jamie. Until the relationship strain came to a head.

“I thought I could always go home, but then my family said, “no you can’t come home.” It’s hard, but when I look back on it now, I can see why they made that choice.”

The one person who Jamie could always count on in his toughest moments was his loving nanna.

“My nanna was like my mum we were so close. She didn’t really have to be putting up with that situation at her age and give me a place.”

Things started improving for Jamie upon meeting a partner and relocating to Adelaide. They built a life together, sharing a home and welcoming a beloved baby boy.

However, Jamie's ongoing struggles with alcohol use ultimately led to the end of the relationship and resulted in four months of sleeping rough on Adelaide's streets.

“I spent about four months sleeping rough in Adelaide from late November through to summer. It’s a bit weird being on the street, because you never know if someone’s going to have a go at you.”

“You never know if you’re safe, you never know what’s going to happen to you. There’s always a risk that someone could harm you.”

“I never really felt safe. I would wake up pretty easily whenever I heard random noises. It was even harder to get to sleep with the family challenges I was facing and struggling with my mental health.”

Being away from his son was difficult, but Jamie's determination to reconnect motivated him to seek support and make positive changes to get his life back on track.


“I just decided that I wanted a better life and to be with my son. He’s a great little dude, anyone who has a child knows you love and appreciate them.”

A friend recommended Hutt St Centre, and Jamie was able to access essential services including food, showers, and laundry facilities, as well as dental check-ups, and mental health management. He was also connected with a case manager, Libby, who provided goal-setting support, and guidance in securing a home.

“There’s so much I value about having my own home. I can cook when I want, I can shower when I want – that wasn’t an option for a while. I have my own bed. It’s all the small things that matter.”

With the help of Hutt St Centre and compassionate supporters, Jamie has made significant progress and feels confident about the future. Adjusting to new responsibilities, Jamie is maintaining a home, managing rent and bills, and even caring for a new puppy. 

“If it wasn’t for Hutt St, I wouldn’t be where I am right now. When you’ve got nobody to rely on, it makes you feel better knowing that people like Libby are here to help."

Jamie is incredibly thankful for the help provided by Hutt St Centre and generous supporters like you who participate in Walk a Mile in My Boots.

Your support enables Hutt St Centre to provide essential services to people who are sleeping rough or in need of assistance, empowering them to rebuild their lives for a better future.

By taking part in Walk a Mile in My Boots, you’ll give someone like Jamie the chance to rebuild their lives.