Your Messages of Hope

By sharing a message of hope, you can make a profound impact on someone's life. Whether it's a heartfelt quote, a personal story of triumph, or a simple message of solidarity, your words can remind individuals that they are not alone on their journey. Together, we can build a world where everyone finds 'homefulness'.


My heart goes out to you if you are struggling and I can't imagine what it must be like since I am in a secure, warm place. So that's why I decided to do something practical and try to raise money to help with providing support. Sending hugs

Alice Low


I know how hard it is for many people and think that walking for you helps me too. Know that I care, Light and love.



Now more than ever we need to support the work of the Hutt Street Centre. I’m happy to help in this small way. Thank you to all who are participating and donating to this important cause. ❤️

Georgie Hart


I have taken part both as an individual and care of my business for nine years and appreciate that family, friends and clients/customers continue to support with donations and registering themselves. Thank you too (everyone here) who participates in support of Hutt St Centre services and creating awareness while raising much-needed funds



I'm taking part this year because I believe in the work the HSC do for so many, and if I can help in a small way, then I'm appy to.spread the word to raise some funds to give people with a hand up.



I'm taking part in this fundraiser in memory of a friend. he always showed support for this cause. and I choose to show my support to honour his memory. thankyou to all taking part.



Good luck to our team Rotary/Rotaract walking my first mile to help the homeless in adelaide all they want is warmth shelter and a hot cuppa

Jody Jezukaitis


Well today is the first mile we have to walk a mile, hope everyones feeling motivated and ready to go! WE SURE ARE: HAPPY WALKING EVERYONE

Janita and Penny


Have spent 3 month homeless this year due to exposure to toxic gas due to the Old Brompton Gasworks site decontamination debacle I learnt of the terrors of not having your basic needs met while extremely unwell. Thank God I has NDIS and family support but it was so stressful and my physical and mental health has suffered greatly. I still only have a temporary place to stay. I met many homeless during my own. I met an elderly man in his mid 70’s recovering from a heart attack unable to get housing, camping in a tent. I had a perfectly good housing low cost community association house in Bowden and yet I can’t return. During that time the Premier slept out overnight to raise money for the homeless and yet has done nothing to advocate for those suffering and displaced from his very own electorate. I’m not the only one forced out due to the poisoning of our neighbourhood. There are many reason people end up homeless -Government neglect and corporate greed shouldn’t be one of them. I hope by raising awareness of homelessness due to government callousness and corporate greed perhaps something good might come out of this traumatic public health crisis and the homelessness and injury it has and still is causing. Shame, Labour, Shame (I’m left wing btw but this government has lost its way, it empathy, it’s heart). Due to my homelessness this year I am still paying off debt and my housing is extremely expensive. I can’t donate but I can, hopefully we will see how well I really am, walk. Please donate if you can. If not messages of love, encouragement and support in the coming months will be much appreciated as I attempt to regain my health and find more permanent, suitable and stable accommodation. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Lucinda Turton


For those doing it tough right now, I want you to know that I walk with you. Everyone deserves to feel supported and cared for. I walk in the hopes that every step you take can be a little lighter, and towards a kinder future 🧡

Indianna Marrone


Our family Donna Daniel Annabelle Madeleine (MADD) and Boston are walking a mile to support those experiencing homelessness we hope to raise finds to support this cause and to Hutt Street Centre for all their great work. Please donate

Donna Stevens


For anyone Currently experiencing homelessness We are all with you. You can do this and be strong. You’ll get through this.

Leo draper


For anyone that has or is currently experiencing homelessness, you are not alone, your experiences matter and are heard and I walk beside you 💜 Homelessness can happen to absolutely anyone at any point of their lives…… let’s break the stigma! I walk to support those struggling, seeking strength, support & hope 💜 Let there be light 🙏



I will walk for you. Your walk everyday to get help and support and deal with issues that no one would understand. I hope my walking helps to encourage you forward into a positive future.

Patsy Ryan


Every step I am taking means it is going toward a better one for someone struggling out there. I have personally and professionally work with people who were experiencing homelessness. No amount of generosity will go wasted.



From a Past & Dark Experience myself as I Literally felt that I had NO hope or chance to be able & stand up & fight for myself...& with the Absolute Genuine Loving Support that I received From The staff across the whole Platform at Hutt Street Centre & Especially on a Very Person Level for me Aspire Group Who were so Amazing Supportive & Caring In every & all kinds of ways I would of never imagined that I would of been given...As they were able to assist me to get into a house that I call home for me now & with there Support aswell with food & main furniture as the essential needs & with there so on continuous follow-up on my welfare for as long as over a period of 3 years now ...I am with Pride & honer to say I am in debt to Hutt Street Centre & to Aspire Group aswell evenly for the rest of my life ....Thank you for ur kindness & ur Caring & for everything that u guy's have done for me & still do for all & every person who approaches you guys on a daily basis with No hesitation but instead with open arms & ur love & validation to people that are struggling & suffering hard ship & homelessness !! THANK YOU SO MUCH !!🙏😊🌹💯❤️

Roger Badawee


Life’s a roller coaster, one minutes it’s sunshine and rainbows and the next it’s crumbling. I’ve lived in the highs and lows, I’ve been supported, and now it’s my turn to return the favour. Let’s get these people the care they need ❤️

Tristan Harbour


I don’t know what I’ve done to live the privileged life I have… a warm home, good food to eat, and so forth. I don’t know how or why so many people are homeless or struggling to make ends meet. I just want to help



I’m just ‘ thinking ‘ about you …. and feeling good about you !! Go Girl !

Cheryl. Shammall


I walk this walk as many of you have walked alone. As I will. I have learnt in nearly 63 years to keep faith, compassion and determination. You can too. Stay safe, look for things to acheive and jeep focus it will get better. It does.

Patsy Ryan


I’m sorry for any time that I may have walked passed you. My aim is to stop, give time, connect, with anyone sitting on a street without a home. Sometimes I get it right. You are thought of and you matter.



To the homeless we know how tough it is for you and any way we can help we believe we would .

Arette Dawson


With the icy coldness of winter, we think of all those sleeping rough, hopefully by participating we can make your lives a little less tough

Janita and Penny


For those who are struggling right now. Stay hopeful and strong. People care. We care. I care. Sending love and light.

St John's


Walking to help people experiencing homelessness every bit counts



I count myself very lucky so I’d like to enable others to enjoy similar security and safety. I’ll be on my brand new knee joint- what’s your excuse 😉🙏☺️🙏?



Watching more & more families becoming homeless in today’s economy . It’s a small way I can help



Everyone struggles at times and it’s nice to know people care enough to try and help. Whatever I raise will help someone get some things they need



Just know God is watching and there are people who care! To all the beautiful people in need we are thinking abs praying for you and we are doing what we can to support you xx lots of love and light sss



When you don’t have food and shelter Others care enough to raise awareness and help those doing it tough



We all need love, care, shelter and support. Hutt St Centre can help. I hope my walking helps too.



I see so many people living on the street in the city on my way to work every morning. How do I ignore that and go on with my privileged life without doing anything? This is my small way of helping those people most in need. Please join me in helping them too. Thankyou.x



I see so many doing it tough, sleeping rough. Its difficult to imagine the challenges these people face every day, struggling through cold temperatures with no place to call home. Raising money is the least I can do to help provide support for those who are struggling.



Never judge a Book by its cover, everyone's unique & we all come with our own issues & struggles etc xox I'm currently couch surfing & am homeless trying to find my own place to start trying to accept some major life changes etc so like I tell myself to breathe just breath, which we will all be doing alot during our walk for such am amazing & well deserved cause for our people doing it tough in all our communities etc xox



To support people experience homelesness.

Carmen - Team Sole Mates


Please help me to WALK A MILE IN MY BOOTS and help to get people of the cold streets this winter.



I can't begin to understand what any one who's homeless has to endure everyday. But I can try and make a difference by spreading a little light & love by raising funds for Hutt Street Centre. 🧡👣🐾🐾🧡

Caroline Bailey


Know that you are cared for and people believe in you. Please believe in yourself and take steps to create a brighter future. Please take one day at a time and remember to breathe deeply. You're strong and you will overcome.




Sharon West


I am doing this for all the people doing it hard being homeless I feel privileged to help this great cause



Am doing this because no one should have to sleep on the streets

Sarah D


In honour of my Ah Kong who said to give generously.



No one deserves to be without a home.



For these who are struggling. There is hope. Never give up and never think you aren't worth it. Everyone deserves a place to call home.



In this day and age homelessness should be a thing of the past. Let's make a difference 🙏



Being homeless is hard because you don’t have a place where you feel safe and warm. I am joining to raise money for people who are homeless 💕

Ilara Daudeij


You are not alone, and your situation is not permanent. There is hope for a brighter future. Many in our lucky country work tirelessly to provide support, resources, and pathways to stable housing. Remember that your current circumstances do not define your worth. You possess strength, resilience, and potential. Many others have overcome similar challenges and found a better life. Help is available. We are all an intricate part of each other, we are here for you! 🦋



2 4 6 8 who's the greatest in the world 🌍 tigers ..go fluxie we love you Suzie this one's for U bear aunty rip ox xxxx love you home run ox strike three take walk be in it yer 80s ox xxx

Sarah Flaherty xxxc


Am her to help the homeless as I know it's tough n not all ppl that are on the streets deserve it well no one dose it doesn't help with the lack of housing help or long lists



Please know that you are not forgotten about. You deserve so much more than you have. I pray that your hardship will end and you can live a happy life. God bless you all 🙏🏻❤️



Hope my friend is having a home to live in one day and not worrying about being homeless and having to go out and get food and drinks and asking people for money and stuff like blankets and clothes and everything else that they need



Everyone should have the right to a safe place to rest and some nourishment at the very least. Hoping to raise more awareness and support for those living hard.



Thinking of you all. Stay strong people . There’s people who care .



Am excited to be supporting the Hutt Street Centre’s Walk a Mile in my boots challenge for the first time this year. Hoping to make a difference for those who are experiencing homelessness 🙏



I can't begin to imagine how difficult life can be for anyone without the security of somewhere to call home. Hoping my small contribution will help Hutt st centre to give support & hope xx



I would so love for everyone to enjoy the blessings of safety, shelter, warmth, sustenance, and ‘belonging’.

Sue Black


I'm joining this cause as I've had close loved ones who have experienced homelessness, and still are experiencing homelessness. I want to make an impact and help people attain homefulness.

Chris Luong


I really want to help this amazing organisation



Your so specail just having a rough time, keep your head held high and you will see light at the end

Kerry Coe


It might be rough now, but that is that the end of your story. You got this.



An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward. So, when life is dragging you back with difficulties, it means that it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus, and keep aiming. – Paulo Coelho

Danni & Biggie


Keep going in the rough



Hope you’re doing okay



Hope you’re doing okay



‘Hold your vision and trust the process’ I sincerely hope the efforts of the walkamile fundraising process helps to contribute/provide support and resources



For those who are struggling right now. Stay hopeful and strong. People care. We care. I care. Sending love and light.



Never lose hope. Things will get better. Thinking of you on this cold night and whatever your circumstances, please know you are loved and you matter.



You are not alone there are people who care. I care.

Jane Borda


Being without a home can literally happen to anyone. I stand in solidarity with anyone who is struggling with homelessness. Keep reaching out, there are good people to help you if needed. WIth love and solidarity, Bekk

Rebekkah Lord


Stay strong, you got this



To anyone facing homelessness, I want you to know you are not alone, there are people who care. Sending you love and positive thoughts that your situation improves ❤



A person is a person whether they live in a house or a box, and I’m proud to part of supporting an important cause by raising funds for the homelessness.

Kathy Thomas


You are not walking alone, we are all with you. Everyone deserves a warm house and a safe place to live. I hope you receive all the help you need to overcome life's challenges.

Luisaura Soares


I’m involved in this project because I have a warm house to come home to. I think it’s important for those who can contribute to make people’s lives better, but I don’t think homelessness ca be solved by charities. As a society, we should be judged on what we do for the neediest. We need to make stronger efforts to build social housing for people want it and need it.

Ron Hoenig


hope my little effort can make a difference for you. Know that there arecpeople who really do care. God bless you always, and never stop fighting and hoping.

Michelle Leach


Hope is where the Art is and that may lead us Home, where the Heart is. Hoping everyone has a warm place to live as housing is a human right! ❤️

Fleur Green


I feel very grateful to have warm, safe secure housing. Free from abuse!! Don't give up hope, you can have it too. ♥️💖❤️



Everyone deserves a warm bed at night and food, no one should go without no matter who you are. This is a great cause, it's breaking down the stigma that homelessness is surrounded by. I'm doing the challenge to start conversations in my community about change for the people whose voices go unheard, we see you, we hear you and we haven't forgotten about you. Sending all my love.



I have joined walk a mile in my boots to support homeless people and try make a difference. I was living in the streets for a year when I was 17 years old I know how tough it is out there. But there is always a bright light at the end of the tunnel. I wish you all the best and thank everyone that is making a difference to support the homeless ...

Kathleen Robinson


I have joined Walk a Mile in my Boots to hope that I can support those who are doing it tough! No one knows what the future holds. You are not alone. Never give up hope! Love to you all. ...Rose.

Rosalie Pain


To all who visit Hutt Street, know that you are loved and supported by many. I pray and walk that you may be safe, happy, warm and free.

Mary Camilleri


Thinking of you, especially on the cold nights. I hope you receive all the help you need. ❤️



You are not alone. We will all be walking for you.



Walking with you I care and see your struggle You are not alone Where there is love there is hope Stay strong, you can overcome the hardship



We all deserve safety and warmth, and to live without the judgement of others. Your class or living arrangements do not determine what kind of human being you are. Be kind to eachother.



We often feel ashamed when misfortunes fall upon us and become afraid to ask for help. But know that there is Help and there is Hope, and that there are people who Care. Keep going and never give up!



You are seen. You are known. You are loved and valued. You are not alone.

Julie Anne


Everybody deserves a Second Chance. The basics of Food, Shelter and Warmth can go along way to help achieve these Second Chances. 🙏🏻



I know what it’s like to be homeless We all deserve a warm safe place to call home. 💕💕😘



You deserve safety and warmth Sending warm thoughts of hope, courage and strength. Support is here for you. People CARE



Where’s there’s Hope, there’s life. It fills us with fresh Courage and makes us Strong again.



I'm so proud to be supporting such an important cause. To anyone facing homelessness, know that it will get better and people truly care.



The universe knows our true intentions in this world No matter what happens to is... Remain truthful.... it will pay off



Things will get better for you, you deserve it!



Sending support during this incredibly challenging time. People are thinking of you!



Together we are stronger, never underestimate the kindness from a stranger. In really hard times, know that there are people out there who care.



Keep you save and stop the stigma of homelessness



I have joined the walk a mile in my boots campaign again this year to raise money to help you. I hope everything improves for you soon. You are not alone. Thinking of you. Lots of love.



In times when you feel all alone, know that there is a whole community of people that are thinking of you and are stepping up because we believe in you. 🧡



No matter how difficult things look right now, it can get better. You've got this.
