Balance Home Services

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We're helping to end homelessness

This National Homelessness Week, we'll be walking a mile (or more!) to raise funds for the 7,000 people experiencing homelessness in South Australia.

All funds go to Hutt St Centre, who have been supporting people at risk of or experiencing homelessness for nearly 70 years by providing essential support and wellbeing services all in a safe, welcoming space.

We'd be so grateful for your support! If you can’t join us in the challenge (We'd welcome the company), please give generously to our donation page.

Together we can help end homelessness.

Thank you to our Sponsors


David Sutton

Keep up the great work!


Paul Robinson

These boots were made for walking...


Prue Sutton

Can’t imagine how scary homelessness would be. Well done you!


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Amelia Jamieson


Lauren Webb


Alex Thomson



You go girl! You are so awesome!!!


Caroline Begnell


Kyle Brooks

Let’s make this an even $600




Sandy Riley


Böb Böbberman

But of course, an honourable cause. Yes indeed.


Alyssa Williams


Deb Usher

You are doing a great job for an exceptional cause! ❤️


Sophie Mcginley


Connie R S


John Balkwill


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Does this mean that you would 500 miles? :p


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Courtney Groznik


Tara Kevern


Kayley Horne


Louise Kelly


Amanda Thomson

Great cause, good luck.


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Jennifer Ashfield


Greg Bradshaw

Go girl




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Lei Shen


Barry Riley


Bartons & Australian Gas Networks





Dakota Barker


Alex Emm







You will do this easy good luck


Sharon L

Love your heart ❤️


Emily Williams


Dakota Barker

Good luck



Good luck Luv muma


Marcelle Hoppo

Good luck, well done


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Rikki Groznik


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Nick Thomson